Hahahah party boys and girls Ive been watching cyclist fail videos on youtube so good!
Anywhoo biatches I heres an update on my photoshop painting
I think its coming along pretty cool, I havent touched it for a few days Ive finally gotten over my flu and I started my new job so all systems have been a go!
I did up some designs for my bros band for some shirts
Here are the mock ups. Let me know what you think?!
Here are the mock ups. Let me know what you think?!
Also I did up a quick design for my new band, we should have some stuff online soon
I might turn this design into a shirt, I found this dope place that print full shirts from collar all the way down the shirt
I might turn this design into a shirt, I found this dope place that print full shirts from collar all the way down the shirt
Also here is a project Im working on for a band from the Goldy just to show you the steps along the way.
Its still not finished yet
Once its done I’ll post it up on here for yall
peace out muthalovers